Sunday, November 23, 2008

Writing Assignment 3 Draft 1

Take a step back with me—
And view this cycle objectively.

See this caricature of oppression?
You once stepped on his formerly innocent toes.
Do you feel a ring of familiarity?


Perhaps you remember this tyrant—
She was the one who, so long ago
You expelled onto an island of desperation and humiliation.

Could it be that the menaces of society,
Are really the offspring of our former jealousies?

Think with me, just for a moment now.
What a novel idea!
That the sparing of one’s feelings now—
Could lead to the sparing of lives later?

1 comment:

Ms. Wiesner said...

I like what you're saying here, but you need to work on the rhythm. Read it out loud over and over changing the words until the flow like water.

Also, make sure every word is significant. In poetry, each word must hold up the poem with strength.